

Lingua assesses English, French, German, Italian or Spanish foreign language skills according to ALTE standards (Association of Language Testers in Europe), the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) and Berlitz proficiency levels.

Lingua assessment is based on language used in everyday life. This makes it a useful tool for a broad spectrum of needs, such as measuring the proficiency level of language learners, school admissions for students, or recruiting and hiring for front-office roles where foreign language skills are required.

Lingua is designed for the needs of:
  • Companies and other organisations
  • Recruiters and employment agencies
  • Human resources professionals
  • Training and development professionals
  • Schools, universities and teachers
  • Students and job seekers

With Lingua, get quick, easy and reliable assessment of everyday language proficiency for:

Recruitment, Hiring & Mobility

Improve candidate selection

Professional Development

Identify training needs

Learning Evaluation

Measure progress against goals

Lingua provides a basis for recognising language qualifications.

About proficiency levels

Lingua results indicate the language proficiency levels attained according to the well-recognised ALTE, CEFR and Berlitz scales. CEFR is a focus as it a widely accepted international standard for describing foreign language ability, making it easy for anyone involved in language teaching or testing to identify qualifications for the levels. CEFR allows employers and educational institutions to easily compare qualifications across countries, and it is widely recommended to use the CEFR level in job applications. CEFR describes language ability at six reference levels — A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The scale ranges from A1 for beginners up to C2 for those who have mastered a language and includes detailed descriptors of competences achieved at each level. 

Report includes :

  • Explanation of the CEFR scale and the equivalent ALTE and Berlitz proficiency levels
  • Assessment results in an easy-reference image format
  • Assessment scores, skill level comments and proficiency levels attained

Lingua Philosophy

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world"

Austrian-British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein

Language skills are a passport to live and work across borders and successfully interact with people from all over the world. And as the world becomes increasingly global, there are increasing opportunities for people who speak more than one language. The guiding principle behind Lingua assessment is to help people grasp those opportunities. 

Ready to get started ?

  • Lingua is an online test that takes on average 20 minutes for respondents to complete
  • The questionnaire includes 40 multiple-choice questions that assess reading, listening and grammar
  • The 3-page Lingua report is received by email shortly after questionnaire completion
  • Assessment is available for English, French, German, Italian or Spanish foreign languages
  • Instructions and reports are available for English, French, German, Italian or Spanish native speakers

As with all Versus assessments, responses and reports are treated confidentially. 

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