

PersProfile defines the behavioural tendencies,
motivations, emotional intelligence
and social skills of individuals
within their professional environment.

The assessment is built around the modern psychology theories and typologies of behavioural analysis of luminaries Carl Jung and William Marston and research on emotional intelligence by Peter Salovey and Daniel Goleman.

  • Quick and easy-to-use
  • Reliable and science-based
  • Simple, accessible language
  • Practical, strengths-based feedback
  • Multilingual and globally available
  • 360-degree assessment option

Whatever your goals,
PersProfile provides actionable insights
to help get you there faster.

Self-discovery & Development

  • Know yourself and leverage your strengths
  • Understand your behaviour drivers
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence

Career & Personal Brand Building​

  • Make more informed career choices
  • Be more prepared for job interviews
  • Increase awareness of the image you project

Recruitment & Hiring​

  • Hire the best fit candidate for the job and culture
  • Remove subjectivity in candidate selection
  • Achieve a better balance of team profiles

Team Building & Leadership

  • Increase understanding among colleagues
  • Improve communication and collaboration
  • Develop a more productive business culture

Easy to read and understand

PersProfile results are provided in an easily understood report format with clear, simple language and visual aids that use the colour method to reinforce findings.   

How we use the colour method

Behaviours are the result of temperament, character, personality and social role, and they express our preferences, needs and motivations. PersProfile reports use colour as a visual tool to graphically reflect behaviour patterns and nuances. Four main colours of red, yellow, green and blue reflect one of four main types of behaviour pattern with recognisable characteristics. Together combinations of these colours reflect a total of eight different behavioural tendencies. The colours allow a quick method to visually understand an individual profile and to easily compare it to a target job profile when using our JobProfile tool for recruitment. The colours also facilitate assessment of team profiles to understand team dynamics, strengths, areas for development, and how to achieve a more optimal balance of team profiles.

Standard 10-page report includes

An introduction to PersProfile assessment and behavioural patterns

A summary of the profile results, behavioural tendencies and drivers

Motivations, strengths, development opportunities and responses to challenging situations

A comparison of professional and personal profiles to understand how they may differ

How to build effective relationships with other profile types

Extended 17-page report version also includes

How to develop potential and manage stress within the workplace

Frequency of the profile results compared to the overall population

Time it took for the candidate to complete the questionnaire

Classification of the motivations of the 43 PersProfile personality traits in order of importance

Suggestions for the candidate debrief and probing questions during job interviews

For assessors purchasing multiple assessments, a consolidation report showing all candidate profiles

PersProfile Philosophy

"Know Yourself"

Ancient Greek aphorism often credited to Socrates

The idea that self-knowledge leads to wisdom has been suggested as far back as ancient Greece. PersProfile reflects this philosophy. There is no judgment or interpretation in the results. PersProfile is essentially a self-appraisal that provides a mirror of your behaviour to allow you to know yourself better (and others too).

Do you have 12 minutes ?

PersProfile takes on average 12 minutes for respondents to complete

The questionnaire is 49 easy-answer questions with no right or wrong answers

The report is received by email shortly after questionnaire completion

Assessment is available in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish

A successful assessment depends only on the sincerity and spontaneity of responses.
Responses and reports are treated confidentially. Responses are absorbed into the analysis so they are non-identifiable.



PersProfile is available as a 360-degree assessment of an individual’s social skills and motivations through the eyes of colleagues and other people with whom they frequently interact, such as supervisors, employees, co-workers, and/or internal/external customers. These additional views of an individual’s behaviour give a more nuanced understanding of competencies and development areas.

How the 360 assessment works

Designed for use by organisations and teams, the 360 assessment is facilitated internally by a human resources department or by an external consultant. The employee completes a PersProfile self-assessment while a similar PersProfile-360 questionnaire is completed by the other respondents. Responses are processed anonymously, and results are interpreted graphically based on the combined analysis. The 360 assessment is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
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