March 2024

What colors make an ideal team?

In an ideal team, color diversity is essential to ensure harmonious balance and maximum efficiency. Let’s take a moment to think about the dynamics that would play out with different compositions:
Imagine a team made up entirely of 6 Reds. With so many leaders and dominant personalities, it’s likely to quickly turn into a battle of egos and power struggles. Action would be constant, but cooperation could suffer.

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How do you recognize a Blue? And how do you work with them?

Blue people (also known as Analytical or Perfectionists) need to proceed by analysis. They seek technical perfection and complex project management. They love regulations, procedures, graphs and figures, and above all they need to work methodically.
A man or woman with a file, they take their time and don’t let themselves be destabilized either by their environment or by external pressure. Motivated by perfect situations and rigor, they have a deep respect for hierarchy.

How do you recognize a Blue? And how do you work with them? Read More »

How do you recognize a Green? And how do you work with one?

Greens (also known as Cautious, Stabilizers or Conciliators) need security, stability and a formal framework in which to work. They protect their assets, for themselves, their family and their business.
Calm, thoughtful, discreet, reserved, stable, amiable, he accepts his professional environment.
He finds it difficult to make up his mind, and insists on surrounding himself with every guarantee. He is recognized by those around him as a solid value and a pillar to be reckoned with.

How do you recognize a Green? And how do you work with one? Read More »

How do you recognize a Yellow? And how do you work with them?

Yellow people (also known as Communicative, Social or Influential) need to communicate and influence their environment, and are motivated by the need for recognition.
They appreciate conviviality and teamwork, and generally take decisions as a group. Charming, enthusiastic, even exuberant, epicurean, they like to please and have a sense of humor.
Attracted by action, new projects and innovative ideas, they are mobilizing, generous and overflowing with activity.

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